Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I must like ambitious projects

I have a knack for finding ambitious projects and deciding that I must tackle it as well.  The latest of these is the Tokyo Subway Map quilt posted by Oh Fransson.  It is just so wonderfully striking.

Over the past week or so I have sifted through my scrap bins and stash to cut all of my colored squares.  It was not a small feat.  It requires 624 patterned pieces, 85 colored solids, and 891 white squares (which I have not finished cutting).

They look so pretty all lined up!  I had a difficult time deciding on the light and dark blues and greens.  I found my stash was full of plenty of blues and greens of not only various values but also simply different shades.  A lot of my "dark" greens looked pretty terrible together.  I sorted and sorted, rearranged again and again, until I finally put them all aside.  Eventually, I did get it all worked out with some help with of a wonderfully patient friend.  It's amazing how much a new set of much more talented eyes can help.

After I had temporarily given up on the blues and greens, I decided to just make a block that didn't require any of those colors.  I needed to see a little progress after so much cutting and sorting.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to love this quilt!


Leslie said...

i have seen this one and it is so colorful and fun. i love what you have done so far

Lilac Barries said...

I do the same thing, picking out more difficult patterns. But it's always worth it in the end

Candace said...

I wanted to make that one, but am in finishing up started projects and commitments mode. But it's still on my list of want to's. Yours is looking wonderful.

Elena said...

I so wanted to do this one too, but I just don't have the variety needed in my stash. I'm waiting til the next one and maybe I'll be built up by then.
Have fun!

Sunshine said...

You're ambitious indeed! Love the purples at the bottom of the block, lovely shades!
You'll need a photo of the actual subway map to put next to the quilt :)

Rebekah said...

Wow! I am impressed that you are taking this on! I wanted to make this but didn't want to drive myself up the wall :) Maybe one day I'll get around to it.

the messy nest said...

I love this project!

My mom took my soon to Tokyo this summer for his graduation present, and I'm thinking I need to start making this for when he leaves home {sniff sniff}.

Thanks for fessing up about the agony of fabric matching - it made me smile :)

trudys_person said...

This looks great! You have a great selection of brights. I'm really enjoying the quilt-along ... I still haven't cut out all my 891 whites either ... and I had a terrible time coming up with dark greens that didn't clash! - Paula